March 28, 2024

Triathlon Scotland

Triathlon Scotland's digital channels soar with the help of Deffo Media's digital services

As a sport to participate in, triathlon has been popular since its inception, and understandably so. Combining three of the most straightforward and accessible sports into one simple but deceptively challenging package, it’s not hard to see why it’s so liked.

It’s easy to get stuck in, but fiendishly difficult to master – and for athletes? Well, that’s something of an irresistible mix. For all the participatory love, however, that hasn’t typically translated into wider exposure or reach, in terms of eyes on the sport or viewing figures. That is, at least, not until the past decade or so.

New Digital Growth

With the advent (and subsequent exponential growth) of digital and social media marketing channels like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, there are more and easier ways than ever before for people to access sports like triathlon; sports that have previously struggled to garner the wider levels of interest and commercial acclaim that other sports, like football, have.

With the advent (and subsequent exponential growth) of digital and social media marketing channels like Instagram, YouTube and TikTok, there are more and easier ways than ever before for people to access sports like triathlon; sports that have previously struggled to garner the wider levels of interest and commercial acclaim that other sports, like football, have.

And that’s where companies like ours come into play. Here at Deffo Media, we exist and operate to widen the reach of triathlon – and other associated multisports – so that they get the exposure, recognition and plaudits they, frankly, richly deserve.

Given our background in triathlon, we may be a tad biased, but we’re genuinely firm believers that some of the best sports out there are also some of the most under-appreciated, and part of our operational mission is to help change that.

Case Study: Triathlon Scotland

Take our work with Scotland’s governing body for triathlon, Triathlon Scotland, for instance. Entering our third year of partnership, we were initially brought aboard to enhance the organisation’s digital channels. Since taking on our services, the body’s following has increased drastically to say the least.

Working alongside their marketing team, we set up a TikTok account, which now has 10k followers and over 36 million views. For what many people perceive to be a niche sport to have generated that kind of reach is something we’re proud of, and want to build upon moving forward.

Under our management, Triathlon Scotland’s Instagram account has rocketed from 2k followers to 16k followers. Again, levels of growth which we aim to emulate with any client we ever take onboard.

It’s fair to say that we like to do more than just operate from the digital shadows – we like to get up close and personal, too. That’s why we’ve previously provided on-the-ground social coverage at Triathlon Scotland events, showcasing the sport live to an online audience not only in Scotland, but across the world. One of the governing body’s goals is to grow the sport of triathlon throughout Scotland, and it’s been our pleasure to help achieve that.

Going Back to Our Roots

As a company, we were initially set up to help governing bodies like Triathlon Scotland grow and further their reach. Now, we’ve added global governing bodies and brands to our roster of clients, too.

But whether we’re working with local, national, or international clients, our aims remain the same – help grow the sport we love, so that as many people as possible can access and enjoy it the way we have in the past. Every new pair of eyes we get onto the sport is a victory for us.

Reinforcing Strategic Plans Through Social

Through the use of social media, Deffo Media aims to continually showcase the body’s Triathlon Strategic Plan, incorporating its vision to “inspire great experiences through swim, bike and run”, furthering its mission to “enable participants to discover, enjoy and achieve through taking part” in triathlon, and reinforcing its values of loving people, being both ambitious and inclusive, and having the integrity to do what’s right.

By targeting Triathlon Scotland’s digital audience, Deffo Media has been able to expand the organisation’s reach and help successfully target their aims of equality, diversion and inclusion.

Some Facts and Figures

  • 2022: post impressions increased by over 38 million
  • 2022: post reach engagement increased by 9 million
  • 2023: took TikTok channel from 0 followers to 19k followers
  • 2023: best performing TikTok video – 35 million views
  • 2023: best performing Instagram video – 18.1 million views
  • Took overall social impressions from 300k to 10 million in the space of a year

Our Aims for 2024

  • Continue to build upon the momentum we’ve already worked hard to establish across our first two years working with Triathlon Scotland.
  • Keep providing a first-class service through which we carry on showcasing the sport’s first-rate governance by Triathlon Scotland, throughout the country.
  • Strategically utilise video content to tap into potential new audiences.
  • Prove that triathlon is a sport that’s for anybody and everybody, through the use of various social media channels.

How Can You Follow Triathlon Scotland?

Want to get in on the action and follow Triathlon Scotland for yourself? You can follow on: Instagram, YouTube, X, Linkedin and Facebook.

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